Monday, 8 November 2010

My first Halloween in FL!

I didnt get a chance to go trick or treating, but really without any teeth I doubt it would be as much fun to eat the treats afterwards! My mommy did dress me up in a cute onesie to celebrate though. I think I look pretty dashing, dont you?

Fun in FL

I got a chance to meet my new buddy Chase Hobbs. He is only 1 month older than me, but much bigger and knows so many more tricks! He taught me how to roll from my back to my front. He is almost crawling and I am jealous...soon enough for me too I think!

My first Plane trip to the US

October 21, 2010 was my first trip on a plane! And boy was it a trip. We flew from Zurich to Paris to Pittsburgh. Then had a nice visit with gramps and becky. Then we flew to Miami for Lexi and Alex's wedding! I was such a good boy and slept a lot! I liked the big plane way better than the small one and made lots of friends on the flight!

My first birthday party...Sienna turns one!

I went to my first party!~ My friend Sienna turned one on Oct 19th, 2010! This is a picture of me hanging in the toy corral and then playing with my buddy Drake - he is 6 weeks younger than me so I tried to teach him a few things:)