I am 6 days shy of my 5 month birthday. I am getting Sooooo big! I weigh 6kgs and am 62cm long. I have decided that sleeping is over-rated since I have learned all of these new tricks and need to practice a lot! My newest trick, besides spinning my baby wheel of fortune, is the right hand smack...which I do over and over again for fun. I am so fast that mommy can't even catch me on camera. There are some photos of me below at play time and then at dinner time when I helped mommy cook. That wooden spoon is fun to have in my right hand when I do the right hand smack trick:)
Lastly, I have a new toy that some of daddy's ex-colleagues bought me. Its a talking bear...the cool part is that he is bilingual like me...well he speaks English and German (I will be learning German soon!). Mommy thinks the bear is a bit possessed as it just talks even when you think it is turned off!

My Shirt Says "Jongen...Dutch for Boy"