Sunday 17 October 2010

Its official...I am getting old!!! I am 6 months and starting to sit up on my own!

Taking pictures of lil Maxi is no easy feat anymore - he is a very active baby and loves to eat everything...including his feet (or at least he tries!)

Maximiliaan's 6 Month stats:
Height:64/65 cm
Weight: 7kgs
Favorite Foods: Home made Carrots, Sweet Potatoes and Apple Sauce
Favorite Toy: Scout talking bear and Sophie the Giraffe
Sleep Routine: Max has decided that sleep is over-rated and won't sleep through the night anymore:(
No teeth yet, but lots and lots of drool and chewing!

Random Candids

Playtime_ Our New House in Oct!

I have playmats in my room and in the living much fun! Hiero came over to tickle me and lick my hand - I just started to giggle and try to pet him and he loves it. Mommy always says gentle to both of us and we get along great! I cant wait till I can chase him around the room!!!

Play Time in September!

My first food....Carrots

I have been asking mommy for real food for a while now - I mean I grab stuff out of her hands all the time, but she won't let me eat it! Anyhow, when we moved into our new house mommy sat me down in my cool high chairs and fed me some orange stuff. She said they are called carrots...whatever the name, I am a BIG fan. They are yummy yummy yummy!These are my before, during and after shots...


So we moved into our new house!!!! Here are some photos of me helping to unpack, daddy mowing the lawn (mom and I laughed the whole time) and of my play room. I LOVE our new place!!!!

5 Months old!!!!

My 5 Month Stats:
Height: 63cm
Weight: 5.9kg
I am still a little guy and am wearing size 56/62 clothes or just moved into the 3-5 month US clothing!

These pictures are a little late since we just moved into our new house and misplaced the cord to upload!!!!