Friday 21 May 2010

Dual Nationality - Passports for a baby?

So Max will be lucky enough to have dual nationality:) In order for him to travel we had to apply for both his US and Dutch passports. Its entertaining to think that the picture of Max at 3 weeks old will be a valid picture for the next 5 years! It has taken us 2 weeks to get the correct pictures for the passports. These are the criteria for Dutch and American passports - keep in mind they make no exceptions for 3 week old babies who sleep constantly!

- Eyes open WIDE
- Both ears visible
- No bunching of the shirt
- White background, sitting on his own

All of the above PLUS his shoulders must be straight (like a box).

If any of you are familiar with babies (or even if you aren't), you can imagine how difficult it is to get a newborn to sit still with wide open eyes and square shoulders. It took 3 separate attempts and we think we finally have one that will pass. We shall find out next week so wish us luck!