Friday 5 February 2010

27.5 Week Check up - The Swiss Way

So I just went to the hospital for my 27 week checkup with the OB. They are implementing a new pregnancy wellness program at the hospital - along with my monthly checkups by the OB, they also encourage a consultation with a nutritionist who has set up a whole eating program and free exercise program with weekly classes for us big-bellied ladies! It was nice to feel like they care about me a bit!

So the doctor checked me out again and confirmed - I have a big belly! Baby is still breech - likes to kick a lot though, but has a strong heart beat which is great. Then she told me I was gaining a lot of weight (they dont sugar coat things here!) - I thought I was doing ok. At least by American standards I am right on target! I have gained 7.5kg (or around 16.5 lbs) gaining about a pound a week. If I stay at this rate I should gain in the 25-35 range...But apparently they want me to gain 20-25 lbs here so I have to stop eating this delicious Swiss chocolate that I have come to love:( Its ok though, this is a lotta weight for a little woman and its all in my belly :) I might fall over soon!

Now I just have to figure out how to get my insurance company to pay my medical bills - every time I call I can't get through to an english speaking customer service person. Its been entertaining!

Till the next posting!