Well things are coming along now for the arrival of baby de groot in say 7-10 weeks. Ramon's parents brought us a beautiful baby cot (wieg in dutch, not sure what its called in english) that was built by Ray's great uncle and little de groot will be the 3rd generation of De Groot's to sleep in it. See the picture of it all decked out with his super cool puppy bumper! This bed is supposedly good for the first few months and then we will move him into his new posh crib...which we just ordered and won't be ready until 2 weeks before the lil' man is expecting to make his big appearance! I hope it gets here in time so we can properly decorate the nursery. Anyhow its now starting to feel real - I just thought I was getting fat for a while there! We are getting rather excited/ nervous!
I am also attaching a photo of our balcony - well 1/4 of our balcony (its mammoth!). The pic was taken today since the sun was shining and it was around 50 degrees! It was beautiful!...